
Welcome to our "Health Science Family"
While our THOA organization is made up of many amazing teachers, Alisha is focusing on the newbies out there. Below you will find a little more about her journey in the classroom as well as contact information. 

Alisha Smith

Hello! I hope you are well and excited about your upcoming journey as an educator.

My name is Alisha Smith, and I am a Health Science Teacher at Summer Creek High School in Humble ISD. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to welcome you all and be of assistance to you as you start this new journey.

About Me

Before transitioning into education, I served in the medical field as a Physical Therapist Assistant. This experience has greatly enriched my approach to teaching health science, allowing me to bring real-world perspectives into the classroom. I've been blessed with the opportunity to teach for eight wonderful years now and can confidently say that being a health science teacher combines my love for healthcare and education – indeed, it's the best of both worlds.

My Inspiration

The genesis of my journey in education began under the tutelage of the remarkable Linda Stanhope, who emphasized the transformative power of education. It was through her new teacher class that I first understood how profoundly we, as educators, can impact the lives of our students. Linda taught me that being an educator extends beyond imparting knowledge; it means instilling resilience, shaping character, and igniting a lifelong passion for learning in our students. She made me realize that every interaction provides an opportunity for positive transformation, which I have carried into my own teaching philosophy.

Reach Out

Being new may feel overwhelming at times, but please remember that I am here to help you! Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Let's Make It Great!

I am looking forward to working with you all. Let's make this academic year an enriching one not only for our students but also for ourselves as educators.